Coulomb’s law for the magnitude of the force F betweentwo particles with charges Q and Q ‘separated

Coulomb’s law for the magnitude of the force F betweentwo particles with charges Q and Q ‘separated |

Coulomb’s law for the magnitude of the force
Fbetweentwo particles with charges
Q and
Q′separated by adistance
d is |
d2, where
ϵ0, and
ϵ0=8.854×10−12C2/(N⋅m2) is the permittivity of freespace. Consider two point charges located on the
x axis: onecharge,
q1 = -18.0 nC , is located at
x1 = -1.700m ; the second charge,
q2 = 38.5 nC , is at the origin(
x=0.0000). What is the net force exerted by these two charges on a thirdcharge
q3 = 50.5 nC placed between
q1 and
q2 at
x3 = -1.220 m ? Your answer may be positive or negative, depending on thedirection of the force. Attached


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