coordinate a volunteer event for a social psychology assignment

This assignment is hypothetical and challenges you to look at the COVID-19 pandemic from the lens of social psychology. Many individuals will be impacted by the pandemic due to the economy, homelessness, and loss of job. Imagine you are invited by an agency of your choice anywhere in the world to be a volunteer coordinator (* Take into consideration cultural values and belief of the population). Your role will be to develop a volunteer program for the population the agency serves. A volunteer coordinator supervises volunteers and provides directions, coordination, and consultation for all volunteer functions. In addition, you will reflect upon what you would want your experience to be like. While processing, reflect on the how the lack of social interactions due to COVID-19 has impacted the community you’re developing the program for, what interest about this particular agency, and discuss any biases and stereotypes that are held against the population?In addition, reflect on how social constructs influence life experiences, from one of the following lenses; sociocultural, evolution, social learning theory, and social cognitive perspectives. Furthermore, you will develop a flyer/brochure to recruit volunteers for the agency.

General Requirements

In developing your paper, there are elements that must be covered to allow the reader to have an accurate overview of the population you are the volunteer coordinator for.

These elements include:

1. Description of the agency and population.

2. Volunteer coordinator description.

3. Provide a summarization of presumed experience.

4. Flyer/brochure to recruit volunteers from the community for the agency.

This assignment requires you to read, integrate and reference a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed journal articles. Paper with a minimum length of 5 pages excluding the appendix, cover page and reference page. The paper must be APA formatted (Each section below must include a header/title). This assignment is worth 130 points. Be sure to review the rubric before submitting the assignment.

Please organize this paper as follows:

  • Title page in APA format
  • Description of the agency
  • Volunteer coordinator description
  • Summary of presumed experience (detailed below)
  • Reference list in APA format
  • Appendix: Volunteer flyer/brochure (detailed below)

Note: As you develop your paper, be sure to fully and completely address all required

elements. You should format this paper by using headings for each section and subsection.

Use citations to support your discussion when appropriate.

Volunteer Process

1. Description of the agency/community you will work as a volunteer coordinator for. (Note: Reference back to Week 5 journal and expand on them by providing further details of the statements/questions.)

A. Describe the agency or community, and include the following:

I. Name of the agency/organization.

II. Agency location.

III. Length of time the agency has served the community: for example if the program you are developing is at a soup kitchen at a church, was the soup kitchen a part of the church since it opened.

IV. Agency mission and vision: If there is no mission or vision, based on your knowledge of the community, state the driving force for the work being done in the community.

V. Description of the population served.

VI. Services the agency offers.

2. Volunteer coordinator description. Include the following information:

I. What is the need of the agency?

II. What qualifications will the volunteer need to have? (Education, skills, capabilities, and time commitment)

III. How many volunteers will you need?

IV. Provide a job description of what the volunteer will be doing.

3. Summarization of your presumed experience. Include responses to the following:

A. What impact do you hope to have on the agency?

B. What is your reason/motivation for choosing this agency/organization? What was it about this volunteer location that stood out from other opportunities?

C. Based on your interaction or observation of the community, what is your understanding of the social forces or factors outside of the population’s control that may have led to the current circumstances of needing services? (Use literature to support your response).

D. Discuss and explain three stereotypes that society has on this population. Based on what you know how could you challenge or advocate those stereotypes?

E. Discuss four benefits one could gain from volunteering and provide a rationale for each benefit (e.g. prosocial behavior, altruism). (Note: Use literature to support your response).

F. What are some prosocial behaviors you can implement moving forward that would make you responsive to the needs of your community? Discuss the ways you see yourself making that difference.

Appendix: Volunteer Flyer/Brochure

1. The purpose of this section is to develop a flyer/brochure to help recruit volunteers from the community for the agency.

A. Choose a tool to design your flyer or brochure that is well-formatted, readable, and contains all of the information noted in C below. If you need guidance selecting a tool, visit the Multimedia Writing and Design Support page (link below) to help you create your flyer/brochure.

• Multimedia Writing and Design Support page:

You may also use Microsoft Office PowerPoint or word document to create the flyer or brochure.

B. Design a flyer/brochure to help recruit volunteers for the agency. Very little information is given on the requirements with the intention of allowing you to be as creative and resourceful as possible. (See example below)

C. The flyer/brochure should include the following information:

I. Name of the agency

II. Phone number

III. Website information

IV. Description of the agency

V. Requirements for volunteering