Contrast classical conditioning with operant conditioning. Is there reinforcement in social learning

Contrast classical conditioning with operant conditioning. Is there reinforcement in social learning |

Contrast classical conditioning with operant conditioning.


Is there reinforcement in social learning? Say why or why not.


Describe the three stores and five processes of memory. 


Explain the ISIS model of attention.


What is the Fundamental Attribution Error?


What is the difference between conforming socially at the level of response versus at the level of perception?


What do the Milgram experiments tell us about authority?


What are the id, ego, and superego?


What are the three personality types proposed by Freud?


What are the dimensions of the Big Five Factor model of personality?


List three ways in which sleep deprivation can affect us.


What is relapse prevention and why is it important in the treatment of addictions?


How does the medical model of maladaptive behavior differ from the moral model?


What are the cognitive and neurovegetative symptoms of depression?



What is the difference between an anaclitic and an introjective depression?

    • Posted: 4 years ago
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