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Literature Review PaperStudents will submit an 8 – 10 page (not including the cover or References pages) length paper summarizing 6 – 8 evidence based (meaning reports of findings arising from experimental research conducted by the article author[s] and not opinion articles or publications summarizing multiple research studies), peer-reviewed articles retrieved from the APUS online library. These summaries must not be merely one summary after another with no meaningful connections between them, but rather the paper should integrate and demonstrate clearly how the summaries are logically related to one another in a coherent and well-articulated literature review. The paper will end with a minimum of two paragraphs summarizing points made and articulating suggestions for future research directions arising from the article reviews.This assignment submission will be evaluated based on:The degree to which the article summaries are truly integrated and logically related; arbitrary statements of “This is related to that” without supporting evidence of an actual connection will result in a significant point deductionEvidence of academically mature insight and use critical thinking skills in analyzing and relating the articles to each other and making suggestions for future research directions.Grading Requirements and Scoring RubricLiterature Review Paper100 % Exemplary4 ptsAccomplished3.4 ptsDeveloping3 ptsBeginning2.6 ptsDid not attempt0 ptsIntroduction15 %ExemplaryClear introduction which summarizes the major points to be covered in the paper. Topic sentence is well developed.AccomplishedIntroduction satisfactorily summarizes the major points to be covered in the paper. Topic sentence is satisfactorily developed.DevelopingIntroduction only partially summarizes the major points to be covered in the paper. Topic sentence is marginally developed.BeginningIntroduction inadequately summarizes the major points to be covered in the paper. Topic sentence is not present.Did not attemptStudent did not attempt this portion of the assignment.Topic Discussion30 %ExemplaryStudent provides an insightful and creative discussion of conclusions from the research findings for their selected topic.AccomplishedStudent provides a mostly accurate discussion of conclusions from the research findings for their selected topic. At times description lacks coherence.DevelopingStudent provides a marginal discussion of conclusions from the research findings for their selected topic. Inaccuracies are present. Sufficient details and supporting evidence are lacking.BeginningStudent provides a limited and cursory discussion of conclusions from the research findings for their selected topic.Did not attemptStudent did not attempt this portion of the assignment.Article Synthesis30 % Article reviews are integrated and related in logical manner with supporting evidence.ExemplaryClear and thorough articulation of key points using six or more aritcles for support. Excellent integration of findings across selected articles. Ampleevidence of application of critical thinking skills in analyzing/relating articles to each other.AccomplishedSatisfactory articulation of key points using six or more aritcles for support. Satisfactory integration of findings across selected articles. Someevidence of application of critical thinking skills in analyzing/relating articles to each other.DevelopingMarginal articulation of key points using six or less aritcles. Incomplete integration of findings across selected articles. Someevidence of application of critical thinking skills in analyzing/relating articles to each other.BeginningLimited articulation of key points across aritcles cited. Limited and cursory integration of findings across selected articles. Littleevidence of application of critical thinking skills in analyzing/relating articles to each other.Did not attemptStudent did not attempt this portion of the assignment.Strength of Conclusions15 % Minimum of two paragraphs summarizing points made and articulating suggestions for future research directions arising from the article reviews.ExemplaryConclusions about the broader implications of selected topic are clear and thoughtful. Questions outlined in the assignment are answered. Sources are credited and cited appropriately.AccomplishedConclusions about the broader implications of selected topic are somewhat clear and often thoughtful. Questions outlined in the assignment are satisfactorily answered. Sources are credited and cited appropriately.DevelopingConclusions about the broader implications of selected topic are marginally clear but lacks a thoughtful. approach. Questions outlined in the assignment are marginally answered. Sources may not be credited and cited appropriately.BeginningConclusions about the broader implications of selected topic are not provided, clear or thoughtful. Questions outlined in the assignment are not answered. Sources are insufficiently credited and cited appropriately.Did not attemptStudent did not attempt this portion of the assignment.Format/Writing10 %ExemplaryWork is presented in a logical and coherent way. Writing is clear, articulate, of sufficient length, and error free. Citations are composed in proper APA format with no errors. The student uses a preponderance of original writing (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing) and uses direct quotations minimally and only when necessary/or appropriate.AccomplishedWork is grammatically sound with only a few minor errors. Citations are composed in the proper APA format with few errors. The student uses original writing (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing) and uses direct quotations minimally and only when necessary/or appropriate.DevelopingWork grammatically contains minor but notable errors which detract from reability. Citations are composed using APA format but inaccurate or improperly formatted at times. Assignment may reflect an underuse of original writing and an overuse of directly quoted content.BeginningWork contains frequent grammatical errors. Citations are inaccurate or improperly formatted. Work does not demonstrate appropriate graduate level writing. Demonstrates underuse of original writing and an overuse of directly quoted content.Did not attemptStudent did not attempt this portion of the assignment.
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