
Communication-in-the-workplace- |

Bonnie, great work in your evaluation of the Nardelli email, but you have no reference list in this response. I have asked you to correct this several times in your feedback.

Completing Business Reports

1. Assume you are planning to open an ice cream shop on campus. There are currently no ice cream shops within three miles of your campus. You are deciding between leasing space in the student center or opening a stand-alone shop on the outskirts of campus. You recently surveyed just over 400 university students to identify their preferences. The table on page 413 contains the results Write a marketing report that includes your survey objectives, methodology, findings, and conclusions. Also, provide your related marketing recommendations.

Planning Presentations and Delivering Presentations

2.What is your communicator style (senser, feeler, thinker, or intuitor)? What is your learning style (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic)? Why do you identify with these? Cite examples from the text.

3.For each of the following items, respond with one or two paragraphs.

A. Discuss how you can establish and build credibility before, during, and after your presentations.
B. Describe the importance of authenticity for presentations. Discuss how you can plan and rehearse for presentations and also maintain authenticity.
C. Discuss some strategies for overcoming nervousness and fear before and during presentations. Describe the three strategies you believe are most effective for you.

D. Explain the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication.

Employment Communications

4. Compare chronological and functional resumes. What are the drawbacks of each? The benefits of each?

5. Select one of the following interview questions and answer it using the STAR method:
A. Can you tell me about a challenge you overcame at work?
B. Can you give me an example of how you showed leadership at work? or
C. Can you tell me about one of your recent successes at work? You can substitute school experiences for work experiences if you’d like.


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