Chapter Exam 5 1) Why must climate scientists pay close attention to water vapor? · It is the most

Chapter Exam 5 1) Why must climate scientists pay close attention to water vapor? · It is the most |

Chapter Exam 5

1) Why must climate scientists pay close attention to water vapor?

· It is the most plentiful greenhouse gas in the climate system

· It has the capacity to reduce the ongoing climate change processes

· All of the above

2) What is a phase change linked to?

· Change in molecular activity

· May be due to addition of heat

· May be due to loss of heat

· All of the above

3) Water bodies have much more thermal inertia than landmass substances because of water’s high specific heat and ______

· water mixes to reach thermal equilibrium

· solar radiation is able to penetrate it to greater depth than land surfaces

· Both a and b

· None of the above

4) How can sea-surface temperature impact the summer to winter temperature shift?

· `If SST changes very little there is no drastic temperature change between summer and winter

· If SST changes greatly there is no drastic temperature change between summer and winter

· SST only impacts summer to fall temperature change

· None of the above

5) The component of the total air pressure caused by water vapor is known as ______

· humidity

· dew point

· vapor presure

· None of the above

6) What is the relative humidity of air that is supersaturated?

· less than 100%

· 100%

· more than 100%

· None of the above

7) If the air around an ascending parcel becomes cooler than the parcel, the air is ______

· unstable

· stable

· neither stable nor unstable

8) A cloud on the ground is known as ______

· cumulonimbus fog

· low-levle stratus

· It cannot be a cloud if it is on the gound

9) At any given time, about how much of Earth is experiencing cloudy sky conditions?

· 10%

· 20%

· 30%

· 60%

10) In which phase do molecules exhibit the most unbounded motion?

· solid

· liquid

· vapor

· All of the above

· None of the above

11) The total pressure exerted by a group of gases is equal to the total of the individual pressures exerted by each gas is explained in ______

· Newton’s 1st law of motion

· Kepler’s 2nd law

· 3rd law of thermodynamics

· Dalton’s Law

12) If all water vapor in the atmosphere were condensed into one layer on Earth’s surface, what would be the approximate depth of the water?

· 1 cm (04 in)

· 25 cm (10 in)

· 25 cm (100 in)

· None of the above

13) What happens to the relative humidity of ascending air?

· Increases in unsaturated air

· Decreases in unsaturated air

· *c Remains at 100% in saturated air

· Is dependent on temperature

14) Water droplets existing in the liquid state below freezing are known as ______ ?

· supercooled

· hygroscopic

· hydrophobic

· None of the above

15) An example of an orographic boundary in the United States would be ______

· Cascade Mountains

· the American Midwest

· the Gulf Peninsula

· All of the above

· None of the above

16) Where is radiation fog likely to form?

· Marshy areas

· Areas where soil has been saturated by rain or snowmelt

· Both a and b

· None of the above

17) In what type of cloud is hail likely to form?

· Stratus

· Cirrus

· Cumulus

· Cumulonimbus

18) Which of the following provides a continuous record of rainfall, typically in over a 24-hour or weekly period?

· Tipping bucket rain gauge

· Weighing bucket rain gauge

· Both a and b

· None of the above

19) How much water is discharged by the Colorado River annually?

· 15 million acre feet

· 8 million acre feet

· 50 million acre feet 3 million acre feet


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