chapter 19 situation 1

The following is an account of one employee’s introduction to a new job:

It was my first job out of high school. After receiving a physical exam and a pamphlet on benefits, I was told by the manager about dangers involved in the job. But it was the old-timers who explained what was really expected of me.

The company management never told me about the work environment or unspoken rules. The old-timers let me know when I could take breaks and which supervisors to avoid. They told me how much work I was supposed to do and which supervisor to see if I had a problem.

1.   To what extent should a small firm use “old-timers” to help introduce new employees to the workplace? Is it inevitable that newcomers will look to old-timers to find out how things really work?

2.  How would you rate this firm’s orientations effort? What are its strengths and weakness?

3.  Assume that this firm has fewer than 75 employees and no human resource manager. Could it possibly provide more extensive orientation than that decribed here? How? What low-cost improvements, if any would you recommend?