• Can you nail the job with a focused, compelling customer value proposition? • Can you devise a…

• Can you nail the job with a focused, compelling customer value proposition? • Can you devise a… | savvyessaywriters.org

• Can you nail the job with a focused, compelling customer value proposition? • Can you devise a model in which all the elements—the customer value proposition, the profit formula, the key resources, and the key processes—work together to get the job done in the most efficient way possible? • Can you create a new business development process unfettered by the often negative influences of your core business? • Will the new business model disrupt competitors? Creating a new model for a new business does not mean the current model is threatened or should be changed. A new model often reinforces and complements the core business, as Dow Corning discovered. How Dow Corning Got Out of Its Own Way


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