Business ethics Business ethics is the learning of business circumstances, behavior and choice where

Business ethics Business ethics is the learning of business circumstances, behavior and choice where |

Business ethics
Business ethics is the learning of business circumstances, behavior and choice where questions or right and wrong are dealt with. The study of business ethics does not necessarily mean only the commerce industry but also the governments, non governmental, non profit making organizations pressure groups etcetera.
James Fieser (2011) in his article “Approaches To Business Ethics “states that, when business people talk of business ethics, they refer to three things which he names as (1) avoidance of criminal activities in one’s profession (2) to avoid causing situations that may results to one’s organization to be engaged in civil law suits and (3) and avoid actions that will taint the organization, reputation. The common ethical issues that face business are: environmental issues, quality and standard issues, employee relations, customer relations, legal issues etcetera..

Kant’s view of business ethics
Kant’s theory of ethics is based on Deontological moral theory. These theories states that: the right or wrong of an action is not dependent on their penalty but rather on whether they accomplish our obligation (Anscombe Elizabeth, 2001). Kant held that there was an utmost rule of morals which he referred to as Categorical imperative (CI).Imperative on this case refers to a command. This CI decides what our ethical responsibilities are.CI commands unconditionally. Example does not kill; even when one wants to kill to serve their concern, they may not be able to do so. Kant again held that there is a Hypothetical Imperative (HI), which provisionally command when one’s having an important need. Example of this command is to eat when hungry and if not then the command does not work for you.
Kant theorizes therefore that every maxim (principle) one takes must be such that he /she, is willing to be the case that anyone else in similar circumstances would take (McCormick.Matt,2005). For the followers of Kant theory, they must ask themselves two questions: can I logically will that every person take action as I Will intends to take action? (2). Does my actions esteem the goals of humanity instead of purely using them for my own personal gains? If the answers to this questions are no, Then the actions shouldn’t be taken and vice versa.
Jeremy Bentham an English legal reformer is the father of utilitarian moral ethics. His famous motto was the “greatest good for the greatest number” (Scarlett (2009). Bentham theorized that the end justifies the means. In other words the means do not matter so long as the end result benefits the majority. This case gives a lope hole to majority especially in business to justify their unethical means example cheating. It does not value morality as Kant does.
The business ethics perspectives of HR
THE HR is a function that oversees the smooth running of any given organization and their role includes employee selection deployment, retention motivation and dismissal. The other function of Hr is to advice its organization on its ethical, social and legal mandate and public image. HR as well liaises with other departments or functions to ensure that they operate in ethical and legal manner.HR encounters ethical concerns every day (Greenwood &De Cieri ,2005). Examples making choices in employee selection During grievance handling and policy formulation, other include: worker underpayment ,evading taxes, cheating ion financial records, environment pollution and exploitations, misleading advertisements etcetera by it’s organization
HR being an internal legal adviser, its perspective on ethics is that; ethics increases productivity of the company. Example if the employees are motivated, retained and treated equally and fairly; then the company will save on the costs that are associated with work turn- recruitment and training costs, advertisement cost and the work interruptions. Secondly, if organization adheres to its legal obligations, then it will save money, time and reputation in terms of legal law suits from its employees, unions, governments or government agencies.
another perspective of HR in business ethics is that a good Organization should be aware of its surrounding community needs and give a part of it’s profitability back to the community, which has given them the mandate to operate in it’ s midst. Example is the social corporate responsibility. In the aspect of customer care, HR view, that the customer can be retained by being satisfied with the service and products of the organization. If customers are not satisfied, then they are likely to disappear.
Therefore HR perspective of business ethics is a strategy, to increase productivity and compete. In the HR perspective, Kant’s theory is favorable which emphasizes on moral values, compared to Bentham’s theory which does not mind morals in justifying the end so long as a great number of individuals are happy. Rather in HR terms, the means matter because interest groups will be watching the ethical activities of the company and support it or dismiss it, secondly there are legal consequences. Example of such interest groups IS the SOS that rate companies in their compliance with environmental laws.

Where Does Hrm/ER Fit Between Customer Service and Hr Roles


Customer service is a function in an organization mandated to retain the customer. The function formulates strategies, policies; develop employees to meet customer satisfaction.
HRM/ER on the other hand is the function in an organization mandated to hiring best talents, manage these talents and utilize them to deliver increased productivity (Gong, 2009).

ER refers to employee relations. This is a part of HR task concerned with strategies directed to motivate, develop and retain employees.
Having looked at the difference between ER /HRM and customer service, It can be said that both are directed at customer service and the only difference is that the HRM/ER are the internal customer service department to internal resources, and the customer service is directed at the external resources of the organization who are the customers.
What is the professional duty of (HRM/ER?) when they encounter breach of ethics?
To ensure that policies and laws are followed to the latter. IF such policies or rules are breached, it is HR’s responsibility to enforce these rules and correct the problem. Example, incases employee grievances, the HRM/ER function should have a grievance handling machinery to investigate, establish and solve the problem. The measure ranges from dismissal of the offender, warning, demoting, and transferring etcetera, Depending on the degree of the offence.
If on the other hand it is the company that is breaching the ethical standard, the HR is the internal adverse of top management. It should advice the organization to correct the matter and return to ethical standards. From HR’S advice, it is the management duty to comply with the ethical and legal requirements


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