
Business-Decision-Making-Project |

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of their ability to apply statistical concepts to business situations to inform data-driven decision-making. The project is a 3-week project, with part 1 in Week 3, part 2 in Week 4, and part 3 in Week 5. In Week 3, students identify the organization, problem, research variable, methods for collecting data, and show mastery of validity and reliability as applied to data-collection methods.

Assignment Steps

Identify a business problem or opportunity at a taco shop. It should be a problem/opportunity for which gathering and analyzing some type of data would help each team member understand the problem/opportunity better.

Identify a research variable within the problem/opportunity that could be measured with some type of data collection.

Consider methods for collecting a suitable sample of either qualitative or quantitative data for the variable.

Consider how you will know if the data collection method would be valid and reliable.

Develop a 1,050-word analysis to describe a company, problem, and variable including the following in your submission:

  • Identify the name and description of the selected company.
  • Describe the problem at that company.
  • Identify one research variable from that problem. Describe the methods you would use for collecting a suitable sample of either qualitative or quantitative data for the variable (Note: do not actually collect any data).
  • Analyze how you will know if the data collection method would generate valid and reliable data (Note: do not actually collect any data).

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.


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