
Business-and-Society-Identify-Cross-Cultural-Issues-Assignment |

First, please watch two videos in the following links:

Video 1:

Video 2:


Oxford dictionary defines culture as “The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.” Each society, country, and culture have numerous nuances that can be difficult for the others to understand.

Managers in today’s multicultural global environment constantly encounter cultural differences, which may create barriers in communication and eventually lead to business failures. To become a successful global manager, you need to equip yourself with necessary knowledge to develop your culture competence.

For years, scholars have been studying country cultures. Several theories were developed, such as Geert Hofstede’s culture dimensions ( Edward T. Hall’s cross-culture theory (’s_Cross-Cultural_Theory_Wiki).

Your task is to utilize Hofstede’s website at find the scores ( scroll down to the bottom of the page) of each of the two countries assigned in class and compare their cultural dimensions.


-The assigned two countries are “People’s Republic of China (PRC)” and “Republic of Finland“. Please type “China” and “Finland” in the search area one at a time and compare the scores. You can click “READ MORE ABOUT CHOSEN COUNTRIES” to see additional information.

-Please write a five-page (Not including the cover page and references page) analysis paper about the topic as “Comparison of Cultural Dimensions” with at least three outside sources. Please make sure all sources are correctly cited and APA format is applied to the entire paper.


Thank you!


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