BSG- 3 Year Strategic Plan #1

Business Finance

  1. BSG 3 Year Strategic Plans (10%)The Business Strategies Game organizes students into small groups as co-managers leading their company’s business strategy through a “real life” simulation leveraging a series of market forces to provide continual feedback. Student small groups “companies” will create 2 three year strategic plans. The first plan will created Week 4 (after Simulation Years 11-14 are completed) and guide the company through their Simulation Years 15-17. The second strategic plan will act as a synthesis of all of their learnings over the 10 years of simulations and cover the next logical steps to continue building the company’s success over Years 21-23. Learning Outcomes Supported: The 3 Year Strategic Plans support all Learning Outcomes Grading: The first 3 Year Strategic Plan will be graded automatically by BSG based on the results from Simulation Years 15-17. The second 3 Year Strategic Plan will be graded based the quality of the plans (aligned with the simulation learnings), the clarity of the plan’s presentation (professionally written and audience focused) and cohesively written (strategy’s goals are logical and actions supportive).
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