Big data analytics is one of the main part of the railway system….

Big data analytics is one of the main part of the railway system…. |

Big data analytics is one of the main part of the railway system.There is some big challenges need to be considered in railway system.There are many opportunities to provide better service including higher safety,on time and productivity for customer on railway system by using big data.The main challenge of using big data on railway system is how to selecting and utilising useful data.The north America’s railroads focused on figure out finding the best way to use big data in different aspect of railway system.the main big data sources are obtaining from GPS, AEI readers, electronic data exchange, video inspections, hand-held field tables and other resources.It is really difficult to analyze information from large data size so using traditional approaches since they may usually exceed the limits of a typical spreadsheet.The examples of application of big data analytics on railway system is reducing train derailments, increased velocity of shipments a n d the reduction of emissions. Some examples of Big Data Analytics in urban rail transit systems include: Bay Area Rapid Transit which uses Big Data Analytics to monitor and analyze train arrivals and departures precisely, monitor flow of passengers based on ticket information and also for accurate projection of service schedules. Advance development of sensor and information technology in railway system has created new opportunities to expand growth of data.The development of advance sensor and technology has provided new model in processing,streaming and storing information and data.Recently There are high potential capabilities in the most of the railway foundation component for communication which allow data to be uploaded. According to IEE publication,big data is numerous and big data is a term with no set definition.In the past decade big data measured in terabytes however big data is measuring in petabytes since few years ago.According IEE publication,the definition of big data is that kind of data which is extremely large in




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