Below are seven factors that must be considered before finalizing a schedule. Explain how a baseline

Below are seven factors that must be considered before finalizing a schedule. Explain how a baseline |

Below are seven factors that must be considered before finalizing a schedule. Explain how a baseline schedule can change as a result of each of these situations (1, 2, 3 and 4):

a.Introduction or acceptance of the product in the marketplace.

b.Present or planned manpower vailability.

c.Economic constraints of the project.

d.Degree of technical difficulty.

e.Manpower availability.

f.Availability of personnel training.

g.Priority of the project.

1.Some products must be introduced into the marketplace only in specific months; for example, automobiles.

2.Problems on other projects may have a serious impact on manpower availability for your project, or a shift in your base case may result in a lack of available manpower when needed.

3.A shift in the base case may cause a shift in the cash flow of the project and company, and vice versa.


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