Assignment task: The concept of management/leadership emphasises self-awareness as the first step… 1 answer below »

Assignment task: The concept of management/leadership emphasises self-awareness as the first step… 1 answer below » |

Assignment task: The concept of management/leadership emphasises self-awareness as the first step in a person’s ability to manage and lead others. A good understanding of our personality, values, emotions, team role preferences, leadership style, conflict handling style, change adaptability etc. helps us in being more authentic as a manager and leader and help lead others in organisations and life.

This task requires you to examine a range of self-assessment tools with the aim of reflecting on and understanding the self. You have to undertake six self-assessment exercises (references to these tests must be included with your assignment). These may be taken from relevant online sources, OB text-books or others that you have completed through work within the past two years. You are required to integrate relevant OB literature and research throughout your analysis.




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