Assignment: select one topic and write an introduction/use the major points suggested….

Assignment: select one topic and write an introduction/use the major points suggested…. |

Assignment: select one topic and write an introduction/use the major points suggested. Important-Whenever you submit anything, a cover page with your information is required.

TOPIC 1: Write an introductory paragraph for an essay describing some of the problems which immigrants encounter when they first move to a new country. Some areas which you might consider are the language, loneliness, and employment. ( 3 major points)

Topic 2: Wriome benefits which you might consider are better job opportunities and personal enrichment. (2 major points)

Topic 3: Write an introductory paragraph for an essay giving suggestions on how to have a successful marriage. Some suggestions which you might consider are showing respect, communicating honestly, and spending quality time together. ( 3 major points)


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