Assignment (Powers Report Paper) Read the Powers Report , found in the Reading section of this…

Assignment (Powers Report Paper) Read the Powers Report , found in the Reading section of this… |

Assignment (Powers Report Paper)

Read the Powers Report, found in the Reading section of this page, and write at least 1,800 words identifying the errors, framework for minimizing risk, and proposal for both the solution to the problem and legislation to prevent this type of situation from occurring in the future.

Your paper should include the following:

  1. Description of the related party transactions reported on by Arthur Andersen & Co.
  2. Description and evaluation of the flaw in the accounting firm’s logic
  3. Proposed checklist for special projects performed by external auditors to limit errors and risks
  4. Proposed rules or laws to prevent similar occurrences in the future

See the Grading Rubric for Case Study Report and the Assignment Papers section in the Syllabus/Course-Specific Requirements for formatting requirements and the grading rubric for this assignment.

Grading Rubric for Case Study Report and Assignment Papers

As part of the assignment for each week, a paper is required for submission to the Dropbox. For some weeks, you need to submit a report for that week’s case study. For Weeks 4 and 7, you need to write papers on character traits and Powers Report, respectively. The written report and paper must be formatted as listed below:
• Typed
• Double-spaced
• Title page with assignment title, student name, course name, week number, and date
• Reference page
The grading rubric below shows the scoring for the case study reports and the papers:





Documentation & formatting 5 12.5 A quality paper will include a proper title page and references (as noted above).
Organization & cohesiveness 10 25 A quality paper will include an introduction stating the purpose/intent of the paper (5%). The body of the paper will be derived from the assignment itself, and it will be properly subdivided into sections based upon what the paper must address (5%). In a quality paper, the conclusion will summarize the previously presented content (5%).
Editing 5 12.5 A quality paper will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.
Content 20 50 A quality paper will have significant scope and depth of analysis/research to support any statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged. A quality paper will employ sound use of reasoning and logic to reinforce conclusions, and opinions must be supported.
Total 40 100 A quality paper (and presentation) will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.



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