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Psychology Assignment Help

ANALYZINGMETHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO APPLY INQUALITATIVE RESEARCHOverviewImportant:Use the feedback youhave received throughout this course to revisethe content you write for this assignment.In this fourth and final assignment, you will write a paper that compares twodifferent methodological approaches that could be applied for the same researchtopic.The essential aspectsof qualitative research you will write about in this paper areusually included in qualitative research proposals. This final paper willexpandupon and strengthen the essential aspects of qualitative research thatyou wrote about in thefirst three assignments. You will revise and refine thecontent from those papers based upon feedback you have receivedand whatyou have learned during this course, and use your revised content as thefoundation for this assignment.For this final course paper, you will complete thefollowing for each of yourtwo selected methodological approaches: State the research question. State a rationale that is supported with research theory. Develop a plan for gathering data related to the research topic. Explain how the data would be analyzed. Address ethical issues that may be present with the datacollection and analysis. Support your ideas for the data collection plans and data analysisstrategies with the appropriate academic sources.Present the research topic      you identified in the Week 4 assignment.Identify the first selected      methodological approach you identified in the Week 8 assignment, as well      as the research question that aligns with that approach.Present a 2–3-paragraph       rationale that describes the purpose of the research.Describe in 2– 3 paragraphs how data would be collected and analyzed using this       approach.Include potential ethical issues       as well.Identify the second      methodological approach you identified in the Week 8 assignment, as well      as the research question that aligns with that approach.Present a 2–3 paragraph       rationale that describes the purpose of the research.Describe in 2– 3 paragraphs how data would be collected and analyzed using this       approach.Include potential ethical       issues as well.Support your assignment      with appropriate academic sources and include both citations and      references in current APA format. Use 5–7 scholarly resources      published with the past three years by recognized academic sources.RequirementsYour assignment should also meet the following requirements:Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that      detract from the overall message.Length of paper: Meets the structure provided in the      assignment instructions.Resources: 5–7 scholarly resources. Include a reference page at the end      of the paper.APA guidelines: Double-spaced paragraph formatting in the body of the paper. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. Resources and citations are formatted according to current

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