2025 – Assignment 2: RA—Cultural Identity Paper | Savvy Essay Writers

2025 – Assignment 2: RA—Cultural Identity Paper | Savvy Essay Writers

Psychology Assignment Help

This assignment has been designed to assist you in becoming more aware of what your own cultural identity is, how it has influenced your life, and what you will do to progress in your development as a culturally competent counselor.Tasks:Respond to the following:Include a family genogram outlining pertinent multicultural influences, such as race, religion, sexual identity, disability, and socioeconomic status (SES). For assistance in creating your genogram, refer to the following links:http://genogramanalytics.com/examples_genograms.htmlhttp://www.ehow.com/how_6947806_create-genograms.htmlDescribe how you learned about your heritage and family rituals, what growing up was like, relevant demographics, family-held worldviews, and familial experiences with oppression.Explain how these issues have affected you and how your experiences affect how you interact with other groups.Select the most appropriate model of identity development for your primary cultural identity from your course textbook, Robinson-Wood (2013), and outline it clearly in your paper.Using that model, citing your book or other sources, and using the multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills survey (MAKSS) resultsfrom Module 1 (or you may retake it), determine at what stage you are in your personal identity development. You need not give the actual multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills survey (MAKSS) results; just refer to them. Describe traits and behaviors you see in yourself that you used in your self-assessment.Explain what happened in your past that moved you, or allowed you to move, from one stage to the next to get you where you are today.Using the insight from Robinson-Wood (2013) or additional sources you identify regarding your selected model of identity development, describe what needs to happen to move you to the next stage of development. What will you do to bring about that next stage of development?Describe what you will do to move to the highest levels of identity development and integration.Create a 6–page paper in a Microsoft Word document written in APA format. Utilize at least four scholarly sources. For other instructions I am African American and attended baptist church as religion.

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