2025 – This research scenario will be familiar to you. Do letters a, b, and c, answering the questions beneath your SPSS output. (3 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–c) | Savvy Essay Writers

2025 – This research scenario will be familiar to you. Do letters a, b, and c, answering the questions beneath your SPSS output. (3 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–c) | Savvy Essay Writers

Psychology Assignment Help

This research scenario will be familiar to you. Do letters a, b, and c, answering the questions beneath your SPSS output. (3 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–c)3.      Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (4 pts)4.      Create a boxplot as done in earlier modules/weeks. (3 pts)

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