2025 – #week5 | Savvy Essay Writers

2025 – #week5 | Savvy Essay Writers

Psychology Assignment Help

Share your research topic and question and why you were interested in this topic. Note: Initial discussion posts are due on Wednesday, while responses to discussions are due on Sunday.What You Need to KnowCapella University LibraryAs you delve into research and literature related to your interests, the Capella University Library is an invaluable tool for locating high-quality research in psychology. As you learned in the University Orientation Seminar (UOS), the library pays for more than 70,000 online journals, 190,000 e-books, and 1.7 million dissertations, selected specifically for Capella learners. For instance, you have access to the PsycINFO database, published by the APA. This database includes over 2.6 million records, 98 percent of which are peer-reviewed content, and many are full-text versions of articles.Take some time to explore the Capella University Library. One helpful introduction is Tour the Library. If you have not already done so in your orientation, take a moment to view this guided tour. It will familiarize you with the Capella library and how to use it for your coursework. Specific to psychology, the Psychology Library Research Guide covers the top psychology resources.Develop Library Research SkillsLearning how to find credible information and apply it to a problem is a critical skill used in nearly all areas of life, but such skills are particularly essential for your professional and academic development. In Week 6, you will submit a Literature Review as part of the course project. This assignment will require you to find scholarly articles on a topic of professional interest to you.Look ahead to the instructions and requirements for the Literature Review assignment in Week 6.Go to Capella’s Library Research and Information Literacy Skills site, which introduces you to the four main research and information literacy skills. Review the content on the following pages:Find Scholarly & Peer Reviewed Sources.Improve Your Topic.Get Critical Search Skills.Think Critically About Source Quality.Leveraging the Library for Your Literature ReviewIn your Literature Review due in Week 6, you are required to find at least three scholarly articles related to your research topic from the Capella University Library. Now that you have defined your topic and research question, you are ready to delve into scholarly resources. Spend some time this week determining your keywords and searching the databases for relevant, scholarly articles you can use for your assignment. An efficient strategy for locating high-quality research is to focus on peer-reviewed sources.Determining KeywordsYour first step to finding your articles is to determine the keywords you will use to conduct your search. Select appropriate search terms, or keywords, to use to find articles.Choose terms that are essential to your research question and are unlikely to return unrelated results. For example, if your research question is “What are the most effective teen suicide prevention programs?” keywords could be teen suicide prevention.Keep your keywords simple. Use phrases of 1–3 words.Do not include small words like a, of, the, or is.Do not include generic keywords like effects, impact, or consequences.Remember that databases match exact keywords. Try alternative terms in your searches to locate more resources relevant to your research question. If you use teen for a keyword, alternative terms could include teenager, adolescent, and youth.Familiarize yourself with the resources available in the Capella library related to your research interests and your specialization.The Searching Journal Articles section of the Psychology Library Research Guide will help you determine effective keywords.Searching Library DatabasesNext, you need to determine the Capella library databases you should use to make your search efficient. Remember, your goal is to find 3–4 peer-reviewed articles in the Capella library related to your topic and research question.The Searching Journal Articles section of the Psychology Library Research Guide also has information regarding the APA’s top databases: PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, and PsycBOOKs.To ensure you are locating scholarly, peer-reviewed articles in your research, review the resource How Do I Find Peer Reviewed Articles? or the video Peer Review and assess whether the articles you located are high-quality, scholarly references.For additional explanation and tools for planning your research, review Types of Sources [Video].For additional explanation and tools for planning your research, selecting appropriate keywords, and building your search, review the Get Critical Search Skills page in the Capella library.Evaluating ResourcesHopefully, you will find a number of articles related to your research question. When selecting the articles you will use in your Literature Review, you need to be able to evaluate the credibility of the articles and journals you found in your search. The Evaluate Sources section of the PSY5002 & PSY5005 Research Guide provides criteria to help you choose 3–4 credible resources.At a basic level, each chosen article should meet most of the following criteria.Gives the author’s title and affiliation.Is longer than five pages.Includes literature review, methodology, and results sections.Includes references, footnotes, or a bibliography of works cited.In addition, you can also use the following guidelines to evaluate the merit of the peer-reviewed scholarly articles you have collected:Relevance:How is the information in the article relevant to your research question?Are all aspects of your research question covered in the article?Credibility and authority:What are the author’s credentials (degrees, certifications, experience, et cetera) and professional affiliations (such as university or professional organizations)?Is the author an expert on the topic he or she is writing about?If this information is not provided in the article, search for the author’s name on the Internet to find a personal website, university web page, or curriculum vitae.Is the publisher well regarded? What evidence do you have to trust the publisher?Look at the publisher’s website. What else does it publish?Timeliness:When was the article published? Is the source timely?Is it important to have current information to support your research question?Sources:Does the article use quality sources and evidence?What sources does the author use as evidence (books, journals, websites, et cetera)? Is there a long bibliography?Audience:Who is the intended audience for this source? Is it intended for other scholars or researchers?Does it contain practical information that is more useful for a person working in the field? Is it educational and written for students?Bias and point of view:Is there any obvious bias or incorrect information?Are multiple sides of the issue included?Are the author’s arguments based on opinions or facts? Are they backed up with citations?Supplemental Research ResourcesThe following resources will help you to further improve your writing skills and prepare you for success on the Week 6 Literature Review assignment:Boolean Commands and Shortcuts [PDF].Critical Reading Strategies Outline [PDF].Defining Your Topic [PDF].Focusing Your Search Topic [PDF].Graduate-Level Evaluation Criteria [PDF].Selecting the Best Keywords [PDF].Become a True Researcher by Developing Effective Library SkillsWhat did you learn about this week that grabbed your attention or caused you to think more deeply about it? You may not have thought about using the library as a set of skills, but those skills can save you time and mental energy as you progress through your program and in your career.Now that you have chosen your research question and begun searching the library databases for next week’s assignment, create a post using a minimum of 50 words and discuss your research question. Your goal is to enthusiastically share something you’ve learned with your peers, apply it to real life, and make your pin informative, concise, and engaging to your readers. Be creative!Share your research topic and question and why you were interested in this topic.Share how your research question is relevant to your passion and interest in psychology.Share some insights you gained regarding your research question.Share some of your conclusions about the role of research in your life, personally or professionally.If applicable, include resources to support your post by providing links to credible or scholarly articles, videos, images, or other web resources.You may also create a slide show or use audio or video as your discussion post.Label your post with a hashtag (e.g., #Week5) so that others can sort posts by the week’s topic.Using a minimum of 60 words, respond to one or more posts posted by your fellow learners:Can you think of an example of how the research questions could explain things you have observed or experienced?RESEARCH TOPIC MUST BE APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANAYLSIS RELATED TO AUTIM SPECTRUM RELATED BECAUSE WE HAVE TO PICH SOMTHING THAT IS RELATED WHAT WE ARE GOING TO SCHOOL FOR.

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