Art History Criticism Art History Criticism The paper need to be a minimum of 6 pages and you should

Art History Criticism Art History Criticism The paper need to be a minimum of 6 pages and you should |

Art History Criticism

Art History Criticism

The paper need to be a minimum of 6 pages and you should have at least 5 references/sources in your bibliography(not from wikipedia). Use iconographical (it is very important, please use this method) way to analysis it.

Analysis the Last Super by Leonardo da Vinci, also need to compare this to another Last Super by Tintoretto.

Compare symbolism and the context (Renaissance)/ the Counter Reformation.

………………………….Answer Preview…………………………………

It is a work of painting by Leonard Da Vinci. Being 15th century work, Last Supper is regarded as one of the most famous paintings in the world. According to historical iconographers, the work is said to have commenced between 1494 and 1945. Leonard da Vinci’s patrons Duke of Milan and Ludovico commissioned it as one of the plans of renovating the church buildings. The work portrays the scene of Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples as how………………………………………..


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