Apply quantitative reasoning skills to analyse business problems…. 1 answer below »

Apply quantitative reasoning skills to analyse business problems…. 1 answer below » |

Learning Outcome Details

Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)

ULO1: Apply quantitative reasoning skills to analyse

business problems.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and

capabilities: appropriate to the level of

study related to a discipline or profession

ULO2: Create data-driven/fact-based solutions to

complex business scenarios.

GLO5: Problem solving: creating solutions

to authentic (real world and ill-defined)


ULO3: Implement contemporary data analysis tools

to analyse business performance.

GLO3: Digital literacy: using technologies

to find, use and disseminate information

ULO4: Interpret findings and effectively

communicate solutions to business scenarios.

GLO2: Communication: using oral, written

and interpersonal communication to

inform, motivate and effect change.

Assessment Feedback:

Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on

CloudDeakin no later than 21 September 2019. Your assignment feedback will be returned in a rubric

via CloudDeakin with an overall mark together with comments. In order to understand the areas

Document Preview:

Business Analytics – MIS171 Trimester 2 2019 Assignment 2 DUE DATE AND TIME: Due by 11:59 pm AEST Saturday 31 August 2019 PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 25% of final grade Learning Outcome Details Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO) ULO1: Apply quantitative reasoning skills to analyse GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and business problems. capabilities: appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession ULO2: Create data-driven/fact-based solutions to GLO5: Problem solving: creating solutions complex business scenarios. to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problems ULO3: Implement contemporary data analysis tools GLO3: Digital literacy: using technologies to analyse business performance. to find, use and disseminate information ULO4: Interpret findings and effectively GLO2: Communication: using oral, written communicate solutions to business scenarios. and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change. Assessment Feedback: Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin no later than 21 September 2019. Your assignment feedback will be returned in a rubric via CloudDeakin with an overall mark together with comments. In order to understand the areas Deakin’s Bachelor of Commerce and MBA are internationally EPAS accredited. Deakin Business School is accredited by AACSB.where improvement is required, students are expected to refer, and compare, their answers to the suggested solutions. General Description / Requirements The assignment requires that you analyse a data set, interpret, and draw conclusions from your analysis, and then convey your conclusions in a written email. The assignment must be completed individually. The assignment must be submitted by the due date electronically in CloudDeakin. When submitting electronically, you must check that you have submitted the work…




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