Applied Behavior Analysis Review Paper – Assignments Help Online |
Applied Behavior Analysis Review Paper – Assignments Help Online |
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For this assignment, we would like you to explore the latest trends in the ABA research.As a student of Psychology and Behavior Analysis, you are expected to conduct a thorough literaturereview of either the above-mentioned area/s; or you are free to soar as long as your focus isBehavioral principles/analysis. For example, you can study a new and upcoming behavioralanalysis technique, or you can choose to highlight the latest therapy trends for a specific disorder(e.g., autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder etc.), or you can review the use of behavioraltechniques in the classroom. Also remember that the manuscript must follow APA guidelines forformatting, and include all the appropriate sections of a typical review paper mentioned below.Here are the steps you need to complete for this assignment:· Select any topic of ABA that interests/intrigues you, and conduct a thorough literaturereview.· Search for interesting topics/keywords (use UAB library link to access Psych Info or GoogleScholar. Select minimum of 6 papers for this assignment.· Identify a title for your manuscript; write an abstract, and the body of your paper. Make sureyou cite sources when you are referring to a previous finding or study. Finally, include allthe references cited in the paper.· You must cite at least 6 peer-reviewed research articles within your review. Only one papercan be a review article or meta-analysis (if relevant to your paper).· Write and submit your paper in APA format. Include:1. Title Page2. Abstract (120- 150 words)- 10 points3. Introduction- (15 points) (250 words)i) Clearly identifies a topic of interest that ties back to behavioral principlesii) Makes an argument for the importance/relevance of the topiciii) Stating the specific objectives of your study4. Body and Conclusions – ( 750 words)Body- (40 points)i) Identifies at least 6 relevant papersii) Discusses the importance of each paper selected to the larger topiciii) Identifies emerging themes/consensus from the literatureiv) Identifies gaps, inconsistencies and criticisms of the current literaturev) Well-synthesized and integratedConclusions (5 points)- Address the significance and implications of your study.5. References (10 points)6. General APA formatting (including title page) 10 points.7. Correct grammar, punctuation and syntax and writing style (10 points)****** PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT DISORDER YOU ARE CHOOSING SO THAT I WILL BE ABLE TO SEND YOU THE 6 PEER REVIEW ARTICLES
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