Anyone proficient in ArcGIS?

Anyone proficient in ArcGIS? |

Have an assigment due at 12:00 PM. It is to create two maps to the specifications I’ve uploaded. I can supply the files necessary as well.

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J426 MAPPING & ANALYSIS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY (SPRING 2013) Assignment 7: Density and Hot Spot Analysis Due at 11:59 p.m. Monday, April 22 IMPORTANT NOTE: This assignment will require the use of the CrimeStat program. If you want to use this outside of BS 1000, you will need to download and install the program. The link to do so is follows: For this assignment, you will be creating maps showing the generalized distribution of crimes using crime density maps and will be using the CrimeStat program to do hot spot analysis. All of the data files you will be using for this assignment can be found in various subfolders of the J426Files folder on your flash drive. Save the map files you create to the folder MapFiles on your flash drive. Save the data files you create to the folder DataFiles on your flash drive. The general instructions provided at the start of Assignment 2 also apply to this assignment: The maps should be finished products, well-designed, with all of the elements associated with a complete finished map. These include: Title(s) Scale(s) North arrow(s) Legend(s) where needed (with reasonable headings, as appropriate) Your name, as creator of the map Neatline(s) In grading these maps, points will be awarded for quality of presentation or will be deducted for lack thereof. In providing instructions for the maps you are to be creating, the focus will be on the primary subjects of the maps. The choice of additional layers to be used as reference geography will not be addressed in detail. A number of files that might be used for reference geography are included in the J426FilesBasemap folder. When creating the crime density maps, remember to make your final crime density layers permanent, saving these to the DataFiles folder. Failure to do so will result in your losing your work. Also, remove those crime density layers that you do not want to keep from your map before saving the map. Map 1 For this map, you will…




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