Answer all three prompt-questions, in a well-developed and -detailed paragraph or short essay. You s

Answer all three prompt-questions, in a well-developed and -detailed paragraph or short essay. You s |

Answer all three prompt-questions, in a well-developed and -detailed paragraph or short essay. You should have a minimum of 250 words for each prompt.

1. Geoffrey Chaucer was both a man of his times, and a man for all times. Although he wrote six centuries ago, we can see today that he had a good window into permanent, unchangeable human nature. Identify three (3) different characters, plot elements or quoted lines/speeches that you can well relate to or observe here in 2018 and carefully explain why these are still so relevant today. Make sure to use quotations from the texts to support your choices.

2. How is the play Everyman both relevant to a general audience today (say, of college students)–but also NOT relevant to a general audience? Again, use quoted evidence to support your answers.

3. Surveying our three Ladies: Julian, Margery, and Christine–write your impression of women’s lives back in the Middle Ages. Do NOT consult an outside source on this one; just glean your answer from the three ladies’ texts. (You may, if you like, look up and read more on their lives and works; however, be careful to CITE any directly “borrowed” outside-source material.)

Grading Rubric:

All 3 answered, prompts specifically answered, texts themselves used as sources

Well-organized and well-detailed paragraph and/or short essay structure

Content is specific and illustrated/supported with quoted evidence from texts

Responses are well-edited for major sentence, word and formatting issues.


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