An instructor is teaching three sections of Introductory Psychology, each section covering the sa

An instructor is teaching three sections of Introductory Psychology, each section covering the sa |

An instructor is teaching three sections of Introductory Psychology, each section covering the same material. She has made up a different final exam for each section, but she suspects that one of the versions is more difficult than the other two. She decides to conduct an experiment to evaluate the difficulty of the exams. During the review period, just before finals, she randomly selects five volunteers from each class. Class 1 volunteers are given version 1 of the exam; class 2 volunteers get version 2, and class 3 volunteers receive version 3. Of course, all volunteers are sworn not to reveal any of the exam questions, and also, of course, all of the volunteers will receive a different final exam from the one they took in the experiment. The following are the results.

Using ?? = 0.05, what do you conclude?



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