After re-reading the chapters and conducting additional research, you should be able to list the…

After re-reading the chapters and conducting additional research, you should be able to list the… |

After re-reading the chapters and conducting additional research, you should be able to list the advantages of switching to IPv6, including the benefits of auto-configuration, better traffic prioritization and delivery assurance, better inherent security, and a virtually endless supply of IP addresses. On the other hand, transitioning to IPv6 is not always seamless. Therefore, in 750-1,000 words, address the following:

  1. What is the network’s supportability with both IPv4 and IPv6 during its transition?
  2. How will you ensure that all of the network’s applications and TCP/IP services also support IPv6?
  3. How will you coordinate with other organizations with which the networks connected to determine how to handle their IPv4 or IPv6 traffic?
  4. How will you devise a new addressing approach for the network?
  5. How will you address networking hardware compatibility and addressing?
  6. How will you address outward-facing application compatibility and addressing?

GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.


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