
ACT3391-Intermediate-Accounting-Exam |

I will send pictures to you when I’m taking the exam, so I need you be there wait me and complete the question as soon as possible. This exam is very important to me, so please be professional.

Exam time : 8:30 a.m to 9:35 a.m (Central Time Zone UTC-06:00)

Exam range :chapter 7 Cash and Receivables

chapter 8 Valuation of Inventories: A Cost-Basis Approach

chapter 9 Inventories: Additional Valuation Issues

Book: Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield, Intermediate Accounting(16th edition), Wiley.

The exam doesn’t have many question but have Multiple choice, Make statement(like income statement or balance sheet),and fill blank.

I will give you a note and the book of this three chapter when you take this job.

you will get extra tips if the exam grade is great.


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