A company, whose earnings put them in the 35% taxschedule, is considering purchasing a piece of equi

A company, whose earnings put them in the 35% taxschedule, is considering purchasing a piece of equi | savvyessaywriters.org

A company, whose earnings put them in the 35% taxschedule, is considering

purchasing a piece of equipment for $25,000. The equipment shouldbe depreciated using straight line depreciation, has a useful lifeof 4 years and a salvage value of $5,000. It is estimated that theequipment will increase the company’s earnings by

m $7,500 for each of the 4 years. Should the equipment bepurchased? Use an after tax interest rate of 10%. (please dont copy paste excel tables)

Clearly present the cash flow diagram, equivalency model, and

assumptions made and detailed calculations . . .


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