A common problem with brazed or soldered joints is galvanic corrosion, since the joint usually…

A common problem with brazed or soldered joints is galvanic corrosion, since the joint usually… | savvyessaywriters.org

A common problem with brazed or soldered joints is galvanic corrosion, since the joint usually involves dissimilar metals in direct metal-to-metal electrical contact.

a. For each of the various solder or braze joints described below, determine which material will act as the corroding anode.

(1) Two pieces of low-carbon steel being brazed with a copper-base brazing alloy

(2) A copper wire being soldered to a steel sheet using lead–tin solder

(3) Pieces of tungsten carbide being brazed into recesses in a carbon-steel plate

b. How do the various lead-free solders compare to the conventional lead–tin solders with regard to their potential for galvanic corrosion?

c. If galvanic corrosion becomes a significant and chronic problem in a brazed assembly, what changes might you suggest that could possibly reduce or eliminate the problem?



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