A bitmap terminal contains 1280 by 960 pixels. To scroll a window, the CPU (or controller) must move… 1 answer below »

A bitmap terminal contains 1280 by 960 pixels. To scroll a window, the CPU (or controller) must move… 1 answer below » | savvyessaywriters.org

A bitmap terminal contains 1280 by 960 pixels. To scroll a window, the CPU (or controller) must move all the lines of text upward by copying their bits from one part of the video RAM to another. If a particular window is 60 lines high by 80 characters wide (5280 characters, total), and a character”s box is 8 pixels wide by 16 pixels high, how long does it take to scroll the whole window at a copying rate of 50 nsec per byte? If all lines are 80 characters long, what is the equivalent baud rate of the terminal? Putting a character on the screen takes 5 psec. How many lines per second can be displayed? Wr


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