A 61-year-old woman has recurrent back pain in her lumbar area that radiates to her right buttock…

A 61-year-old woman has recurrent back pain in her lumbar area that radiates to her right buttock… | savvyessaywriters.org

A 61-year-old woman has recurrent back pain in her lumbar area that radiates to her right buttock and laterally down her leg to her knee. Both sitting and walking aggravate the pain. She does not report bladder or bowel dysfunction. On physical examination, the patient has normal sensation and reflexes of the right lower limb. Straight-leg raising and cross-leg raising tests are positive for reproduction of right lower limb symptoms. The patient has no spinal deformities. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? a. Sciatica b. Osteomyelitis c. Cauda equina syndrome d. Kyphosis e. Epidural abscess


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