A 40-year-old violinist had a 2-year history of hemoglobinuria detected in early morning urine…

A 40-year-old violinist had a 2-year history of hemoglobinuria detected in early morning urine… | savvyessaywriters.org

A 40-year-old violinist had a 2-year history of hemoglobinuria detected in early morning urine specimens. She was severely anemic (hemoglobin 6.4 g/dL, reticulocyte count 5%). Flow cytometry of her peripheral blood leukocytes revealed a defi ciency of CD55 and CD59. What complication is of most concern? A. Life-threatening thrombosis. B. Renal failure. C. Transition to acute leukemia. D. Sepsis. E. Cardiac failure and/or arrhythmia.


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