ISY202 – Information Systems Networking Essentials Assignment…

ISY202 – Information Systems Networking Essentials Assignment… |

ISY202 – Information Systems Networking Essentials Assignment

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ISY202 – Information Systems Networking Essentials Assignment Semester 1, 2018 Assessment Weighting: 20% Due Date: Week 10, 18/05/2018 Instructions: This is a group assignment and all students are expected to contribute evenly. This report should be written in clear English, and be submitted in electronic format. You are expected to use references in the normal Harvard referencing style. Late submission of assessment items or deferral of examinations An assessment item submitted after the assessment due date, without an approved extension or without approved mitigating circumstance, will be penalised. The standard penalty is the reduction of the mark allocated to the assessment item by 5% of the total mark applicable for the assessment item, for each day or part day that the item is late. Correct referencing techniques A key skill expected of all students is the ability to correctly reference and cite academic works or other works referred to in student assignments using Harvard style. A failure to correctly or fully cite academic works could result in a lesser mark than may be achieved otherwise and can even result in a charge of academic misconduct. It is essential, therefore, that all students become fully familiar with the recognised methods for referencing words. Details of the key referencing methods can be found at: MOODLE site. 1THE SCENARIO The Advanced Digital Computer Company is a new company with its Head Quarters building in the city, and with branches in Parramatta, Hornsby and Sutherland. In addition there are two small home offices in Bankstown and Epping. There are WAN connections between each site and Head Office, with all Internet access through the Head Office site. The Advanced Digital Computer Company is a retail company for all types of computing devices. The company is planning a restructuring of its network to allow for an expected 100% expansion over the next 5 years. Whilst the…




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