Tanya, a manager in an advertising agency, called a meeting fro three members of the staff–Jill,… 1 answer below »

Tanya, a manager in an advertising agency, called a meeting fro three members of the staff–Jill,… 1 answer below » | savvyessaywriters.org

Tanya, a manager in an advertising agency, called a meeting fro three members of the staff–Jill, Chin, and Delores. Tanya explained that she had just received an exciting offer to submit a proposal for a new account. Tanya told them the project will require an intensive period of work. The proposal must be submitted within two weeks.

The project is complex. Tanya believes, though, that the three of them can do the job. They will be given some help from the department secretary. They must research the types of advertising campaigns used in the industry. They must also gain information about what the client’s goals are and its present image in the marketplace. After they have gathered this information, they must develop what they believe are promising campaigns. Tanya told them that they can decide among themselves how to divide the work.

Jill, Chin, and Delores met immediately after leaving the supervisor’s desk. Jill said, “Look I feel rather tired and I just don’t want to start work on this right away. Could I just beg off the research? Then I’ll be happy to help you develop some plans for a campaign. I think I’m better in the creative part of such a project. I know that there will have to be many overtime hours during this first week of work. I just do not want to change my plans.”

Your task. Assume the role of Chin (you are Jill’s coworker, not her supervisor), how would you address Jill’s statement? Keep your communication professional and non-confrontational.


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