You need to spend $300,000 on the Travel Channel The Cost Per Rating Point (CPP) is $9,972 The avera

You need to spend $300,000 on the Travel Channel The Cost Per Rating Point (CPP) is $9,972 The avera |

You need to spend $300,000 on the Travel Channel The Cost Per Rating Point (CPP) is $9,972 The average TV rating for most cable networks is 0.5. Thereforethe average rating for a spot is 0.5. How many rating points can you purchase? (HINT: You know yourbudget and you know the cost for each rating point. Using these,you can figure out how many total rating points you canpurchase) How many commercials will you get?   (HINT: Fromabove, you know how many rating points you can purchase and youalso know how many rating point each commercial is. Using these,you can figure out how many total rating points you can get. Becareful on your math! Really think about this one.) If you want to purchase the following schedule, how much will itcost you? One spot per evening for one week (Monday through Sunday) – showyour work. (HINT: Think about how many total spots you arepurchasing, then figure out how many rating points you arepurchasing and finally what is the cost of these ratingpoints?) NOTE: Show your work for each answer. This might seem like a challenging question. Just think of itfrom a logic standpoint. There aren’t any formulas that you need toknow. Just think of it as a logical problem rather than a mathproblem. I suggest starting this early so that you can use the openforum if you get stuck and have questions. . . .


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