Describe what operations managers do. Give a brief description of the various functions under the…

Describe what operations managers do. Give a brief description of the various functions under the… |

Question 1 Describe what operations managers do. Give a brief description of the various functions under the control of the operations manager. In your answer choose an example from a typical organisation in the manufacturing or services sector and explain the type of activities required and the decisions that the manager is required to make from day to day. (33.3 marks) a. The company, Muddle Ltd, in the JIT Workshop, used Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) to plan and manage its production system. Explain the main parts of the MRP process in terms of inputs, outputs, the required data and the sources of that data. 18 marks b. What are the main areas of poor performance faced by a company like Muddle Ltd, that were associated with the manufacturing control system known as the Push System. (15.3 marks) Describe two of the more common layout patterns used in manufacturing and state when they should be used. Give typical examples of each application from the manufacturing sector. In your answer you should sketch each layout type and compare and contract each of your layouts in the following terms: type of products made, typical volumes/demand, range of products made, process types used, equipment type, inventory impact, work type/workers skills, advantages and/or disadvantages etc (33.3 marks)

Describe what operations managers do. Give a brief description of the various functions under the control of the operations manager. In your answer choose an example from a typical organisation in the manufacturing or services sector and explain the type of activities required and the decisions that the manager is required to make from day to day. a. The company, Muddle Ltd, in the JIT Workshop, used Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) to plan and manage its production system. Explain the main parts of the MRP process in terms of inputs, outputs, the required data and the sources of that data. b. What are the main areas of poor performance faced by a company like Muddle Ltd, that were associated with the manufacturing control system known as the “Push System”. Describe two of the more common layout patterns used in manufacturing and state when they should be used. Give typical examples of each application from the manufacturing sector. In your answer you should sketch each layout type and compare and contract each of your layouts in the following terms: type of products made, typical volumes/demand, range of products made, process types used, equipment type, inventory impact, work type/workers skills, advantages and/or disadvantages etc.


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