Choose an organization that has a small to medium computer network environment, with…

Choose an organization that has a small to medium computer network environment, with… |

Context and Requirements

• Choose an organization that has a small to medium computer network environment, with

multiple network services and locations.

• You should clearly discuss the business and technical goals of the chosen organization.

• You should critically analyse various networking technologies that can be used to meet the

business and technical goals.

• You should clearly label and draw the logical topology diagram of your organization.


Your report must follow the structure given below;

1. Executive Summary

• It should concisely explain the aims, objectives and content of the report.

• It should be between 250 – 300 words long (tip: write the abstract last)

2. Introduction

• In few paragraphs mention details and background of the organization e.g. type of

organization, number of employees, number of branch offices, key business and technical


3. Business and Technical Goals

• Explain at least five key business goals of the organization.

• Explain at least five key technical goals of the organization.

4. Designing of Network

• You must explain the various components of your network in this section.

• You must explain the various networking technologies that you have used to meet the

business and technical goals of the organization.

• Draw and explain the logical topology diagram of your network.

• Provide appropriate citations in Harvard style.




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