Week 7 Capstone Project: Outline of Content & Project Type/Format You will submit an outline…

Week 7 Capstone Project: Outline of Content & Project Type/Format You will submit an outline…

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Week 7 Capstone Project: Outline of Content & Project Type/Format

You will submit an outline of their Paper/Project, detailing the structure and content of the final product. The thesis statement should be noted at the beginning. You will discuss method of presentation – video, website, presentation, etc. with media. It is assumed that as a graduate student, you are familiar with writing outlines. If you need assistance, you should contact the Online Writing Center, other student services, or search for tutorials on the Internet.

Now that you have worked with the graphic organizers to organize your thoughts, direction of research, and possible outcomes/conclusions, you need to begin putting your ideas down in a fashion that will become your final project.

Traditional papers will NOT be accepted.

The Outline is divided into two parts: content and form.

  1. Content (20 points):
  2. Top of page: 1) state your name, 2) area of research, and 3) thesis statement.
  3. In outline format, describe the ideas, sub-ideas, causes-and-effects, comparison-and-contne page if it is complete and comprehensive.
  4. Form (20 points): Describe the type of project you will be creating, for example:
  5. If you are creating a video, describe the types of scenes and dialogue you will script. Include sample storyboards if you have some created.
  6. If a website, describe the various pages you will build and the content you will include on them.
  7. The following content is partner provided


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