Consider the problem of providing a reliable estimate for a ratio p/q, where we have estimators…

Consider the problem of providing a reliable estimate for a ratio p/q, where we have estimators… |

Consider the problem of providing a reliable estimate for a ratio p/q, where we have estimators  for p and  for q.

a. Assume that  has ϵ relative error to p and  has ϵ relative error to q. More precisely,  ∈ [(1 − ϵ)p,(1 + ϵ)p], and  ∈ [(1 − ϵ)q,(1 + ϵ)q]. Provide a relative error bound on / relative to p/q.

b. Now, assume that we have only an absolute error bound for  and :  ∈ [p−ϵ, p+ϵ],  ∈ [q−ϵ, q+ϵ]. Show by example that / can be an arbitrarily bad estimate for p/q.

c. What type of guarantee (if any) can you provide if  has low absolute error but  has low relative error?



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