95. Trade-offs are involved in most policy decisions. 96. Since 1946, the president of the United St

95. Trade-offs are involved in most policy decisions. 96. Since 1946, the president of the United St | savvyessaywriters.org

95. Trade-offs are involved in most policy decisions.

96. Since 1946, the president of the United States has received
guidance from the Council of Economic Advisers.

97. The Council of Economic Advisers consists of thirty members and a
staff of several dozen economists.

98. The duties of the Council of Economic Advisers are to advise the
president of the United States and to determine U.S. monetary policy.

99. The Council of Economic Advisers’ Economic Report of the
President discusses recent developments in the economy and presents the
council’s analysis of current policy issues.

100. The President counts among his economic advisors the Congressional
Budget Office.

101. Economists at the U.S. Department of the Treasury help design U.S.
coins and paper money.

102. Economists at the U.S. Department of Justice help enforce the
nation’s antitrust laws.

103. Economists work both inside and outside the administrative branch
of the U.S. government.

104. The Congressional Budget Office, which is staffed by economists,
provides Congress with independent evaluations of policy proposals.


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