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7610 reply to Jason Gaines – Assignments Help Online | savvyessaywriters.org

We offer Custom Psychology Assignments Help Online

reply to the next discussion post (make sure you ask a question regarding the discussion)Internal consistency reliability coefficient = .92Alternate forms reliability coefficient = .82Test-retest reliability coefficient = .50The internal consistency reliability coefficient of .92 tells the test administrators that the test has a high level of internal reliability meaning that the tests, based on its constructs and how many items are to be evaluated, have a high probability of producing reliable results (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2017). The THING test score of .92 for internal reliability tells us that there is a very good chance that the items being tested are measuring the same construct. Alternate forms reliability coefficient is important when the test has more than one forms of a test. This is important to ensure that the test developers are creating tests that are testing the same thing. Using THING 1 and THING 2 (another form of the THING test), a reliability score of .82 was found. This means that there is a moderate chance that the tests are measuring/testing the same items, which means that there needs to be tweaks in the constructs and items tested in order to ensure that the tests are producing reliable and accurate outcomes (Coehn & Swerdlik, 2017). The test-retest reliability is an important factor to look at because a test should be reliable over time. Reliability can be determined by how similar test results are from one individual at two separate points in time (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2017). With a coefficient of .50, this would show that the test produced different results over time, meaning the test is not very reliable over time.Testing is a very important aspect of psychology and without having tests that are reliable, accurate, and dependable, it would be difficult to operate. It is important to develop reliable tests to provide accurate results and allow administrators and others to determine areas for improvement.ReferencesCohen, R. J., & Swerdlik, M.E. (2017). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurements. New York, NY. McGraw-Hill Education.

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