6238 Week 9: Discussion 1: Theory of Emotions/Emotional Regulation

6238 Week 9: Discussion 1: Theory of Emotions/Emotional Regulation | savvyessaywriters.org

What raw materials combine to create human emotions? How does the brain construct emotion? Certain theories suggest that emotions hinge on the axes of the following pairs of dimensions: pleasure-misery and arousal-sleep. Does this formula capture the variability of human emotion?Consider the interplay between cognition and emotion. Some theories posit that emotions consist of automatic responses to stimuli. Other theories suggest that cognitive processes influence the ways in which people perceive emotions.For this Discussion, select a theory of emotions. Consider why the theory you selected is optimal for the classification of emotions.With these thoughts in mind:Post a brief description of the theory you selected from the articles in the Learning Resources. Then explain why this theory is optimal for the classification of emotions. Finally, describe the SPAARS model and explain how it relates to the theory you selected. Support your response using the Learning Resources and current literature.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.


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