5 pageI would be willing to let you make up some extra credit. My extra credit assignments tend to b

5 pageI would be willing to let you make up some extra credit. My extra credit assignments tend to b | savvyessaywriters.org

5 pageI would be willing to let you make up some extra credit. My extra credit assignments tend to be strict and intensive. You have 10 points to make up for that assignment. What I want you to do is create a document where you create a detailed and specific plan on how you will improve your English speaking skills. I want you to include specific and concrete details in your plan. For example, you mentioned taking a public speaking class. I would want you to 1) Find some options for where such a class might be offered, 2) Determine how you would fit such a class into your schedule, 3) Determine how much such a class would cost, 4) Budget for that price and 5) Set a date when you will sign up for this class. So what you will have completed is a document that you could follow step by step to improve your public speaking skills. Your plan should at the bare mininimum address the following:1) Improving your English skills2) Increasing your confidence and decreasing your anxiety while speaking3) Getting external support (i.e. extra classes) for speaking/communication.4) Practicing your speaking skills5) Assessing/getting feedback on your progressI expect that a plan with the kind of detail I want should be no less than 5 pages. You have 1 week from today to write up your plan and e-mail it to me, so I will accept it no later than 2/28/2016. Please let me know if you have any questions.


    • Posted: 4 years ago
    • Due: 28/02/2016
    • Budget: $15


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