
250-words-discussion-2 | savvyessaywriters.org

In his classical study of the Azande of Sudan, Sir Evans-Pritchard (1937) distinguished between ‘witchcraft’ and ‘sorcery’ by their technique. He defined witchcraft as the innate, inherited ability to cause misfortune or death whereas sorcery is the performance of rituals, the uttering of spells, and the manipulation of organic substances such as herbs, with the conscious intent of causing harm. Unlike in the case of witchcraft, persons could learn to practice sorcery.

For this discussion, expand upon the differences between sorcery and witchcraft by using examples from the file “Witchcraft among the Azande”. Give examples of both types of magic that appear in Azande culture. How does witchcraft act as a form of social control in small non-industrialized societies? What are some examples from American culture that could be viewed as witchcraft or sorcery?

Discussion Guidelines

Discussion board postings are worth between 0 and 10 points. Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure you receive full credit for your discussion post.

  • Your discussion post should be at least three paragraphs or 250 words. Be sure to write clearly using correct spelling and grammar and present your work in paragraph form.
  • Demonstrate that you have read and understand the assigned readings as well as having contemplated other students’ responses.
  • Present your information as if everyone else is not familiar with your chosen topic.
  • Initial posts need to be uploaded with sufficient time (approximately 24-48 hours before deadline) in order for other students to read your post and make comments. Failure to do so may result in a penalty.
  • After posting your own analysis of the anthropological study of your topic, post responses and questions to other students’ posts—remember this is a discussion board (2 points will be subtracted for not commenting on others’ posts). Do not be afraid to ask questions of other students.
  • An acceptable reply should further the discussion of the topic. Replies such as congratulatory remarks (ex. “Good work”), simple agreements (ex. “I agree”), or any malicious statements will not be counted for credit.
  • You are welcome to use the UA Library website or the Internet to locate information to bolster your knowledge and discussion. However, do not plagiarize from the Internet, books, other students, or any other sources.


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