13. Which of the following is a hierarchical listing of the hypothetico-deductive research method? a

13. Which of the following is a hierarchical listing of the hypothetico-deductive research method? a | savvyessaywriters.org

Which of the following is a
hierarchical listing of the hypothetico-deductive research method?
a. Identify
a broad problem area – Define the problem statement – Develop hypotheses – Determine measures – Data
collection – Data analysis – Interpretation of data
Identify a broad problem area –
Define the problem statement – Determine measures – Data collection – Develop hypotheses – Data
analysis – Interpretation of data
Define the problem statement –
Identify a broad problem area – Determine measures – Develop hypotheses – Data collection – Data analysis –
Interpretation of data
d. Identify a broad problem area –
Develop hypotheses – Determine measures – Data collection – Data analysis – Interpretation of data

A hypothesis is falsifiable if it
is possible to disprove the hypothesis.
a. T
b. F

Both theory generation (induction)
and theory testing (deduction) are essential parts of the research process.
a. T
b. F

Inductive processes are more
often used in causal and quantitative studies, whereas deductive research processes are regularly used in exploratory
and qualitative studies.
a. T
b. F

Action research involvesin-depth, contextual analyses of
similar situations in other organizations,
where the nature and definition of the problem happen to be the same as experienced in the current
a. T

Hypothesis testing is inductive in nature because we test if a
general theory is capable of explaining
a particular problem.
a. T
b. F

According to Karl Popperit is not possible
to ‘prove’ a hypothesis by means of induction, because
no amount of evidence assures us that contrary evidence will not be found.
a. T

Analyses of both quantitative and qualitative data can be done to
determine if certain conjectures are
a. T

21. A scientific hypothesis must be
testable and falsifiable.
a. T

22. Simplicity in explaining the phenomena or problems that
occur, and in generating solutions for
the problems, is always preferred to complex research frameworks that consider
an unmanageable number of factors.
a. T
b. F

23. A researcher who observes individual
phenomena, and on this basis attempts to arrive at general conclusions, works inductively.
a. T
b. F


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