11.1 Overall, effective presentational skills hinge mostly on which two skills? A.Manipulation skill

11.1 Overall, effective presentational skills hinge mostly on which two skills? A.Manipulation skill | savvyessaywriters.org

11.1 Overall, effective presentational skills hinge mostly on which two skills?

A.Manipulation skills and style

B.Language style and delivery

C.Research and believability

D.Humor and knowledge

11.2 The phrases, “The meticulous manager” and “the tedious time consuming tasks,” illustrate good language style because:

A.They are vivid phrases

B.They are complex phrases

C.They apply relational language

D.They improve inflection

11.3 When Robert, the supervisor, speaks to his employees, he says things such as, “We will all succeed this quarter because we have worked so hard,” and “We will give out bonuses to all team members when all of us have finished with our sections of the project.” Robert employs which language technique in his speech?

A.Esoteric wording

B.Extemporaneous delivery

C.Relational language

D.Effective vocal delivery

11.4 The connotation of words refers to: A. The dictionary definition of a word

B.The feelings and emotions that a word brings to mind

C.The values and beliefs associated with a word in a particular culture

D.The meaning it has when it is translated from Latin

11.5 Why is it better to say “the brown murder mystery book” instead of “the book”? A. The first phrase is more abstract.

B.The second phrase is too vivid.

C.The second phrase is better than the first.

D.The first phrase is more concrete.

11.6 Which of the following best describes vocal pitch?

A.The softness or loudness of the voice

B.The speed of the words spoken

C.The high and low notes of the voice

D.The quality of the voice

11.7 The rate of speaking during a presentation should:

A.Remain the same throughout so as not to confuse the audience.

B.Should build steadily from the beginning until the end in order to keep the audience interested.

C.Continuously slow down so the audience can keep retaining the information you are giving them.

D.Vary according to the importance of the issue being discussed in the speech.

11.8 Jason had a tendency to forget to use gestures through most of his speech, so he would throw in some extras at the end so figuring that the audience only remembers the last thing they see and hear anyway. What could be the result of this action?

A.The ill-timed gestures could negatively affect his credibility.

B.The gestures will look awkward to his audience.

C.The gestures will complement the speech no matter where they are in the message.

D.The gestures could be distracting.

E.A, B, and D

11.9 Effective speakers will generally avoid which of the following?

A.Using one type of gesture

B.Random hand movements

C.Verbal pauses

D.A and B

E.All of the above

11.10 Which method of delivery involves reading a speech word for word?








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