1. Val taps two different tuning forks at the sametime. the resulting sound has a frequency of 852Hz

1. Val taps two different tuning forks at the sametime. the resulting sound has a frequency of 852Hz | savvyessaywriters.org

1. Val taps two different tuning forks at the sametime. the resulting sound has a frequency of 852Hz, but it’s volumeoscillates up and down. if one the tuning forks produces a 955Hz,what is the beat frequency of the interfering sound waves? 2. a gas is quickly compressed in an isolatedcylinder. this process is called__

a. isothermal

b. isometric

c. Isobaric

d. adiabatic 3. how long will it take to transfer 4.185 x 10^6 J ofheat through a 2 m^2 pane of 3mm thick glass (kglass= 0.840 */(s mC°)). I’d the temperature difference is 10 C°? Attached


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