1. Read “The End of the Euro? Fears of Financial Contagion” on pp. 28-30 in the textbook.

1. Read “The End of the Euro? Fears of Financial Contagion” on pp. 28-30 in the textbook. | savvyessaywriters.org

1. Read “The End of the Euro? Fears of Financial Contagion” on pp. 28-30 in the textbook. Why is the euro such an important concern to us in international business?

2. Review the United Nations Charter on pp. 11-12 in the textbook. Describe the United Nations Charter, and highlight its importance in international business.

3. Read Case 1-3 on pp.15-17 in the textbook. What are the main issues in the case United States v. Canada? What type of dispute mechanism was used to resolve the dispute?

4. Compare and contrast the concept of a national standard of care with an international standard of care.




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